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Var Gallery presents its 6th iteration of the 30x30x30 Exhibition. Artists were given the parameters to make one piece a day within a 6” x 6 ”x 6” dimension. Each artist worked for 30 consecutive days during the month of January. The exhibiting artists are:
Leggy (Alexander) Arnold & Niki Johnson, Jay Arpin, Melissa Courtney & Reginald Baylor, Jesse Bell, Siara Berry, Sara Bott, Brian Breider, Deb Dila, Andrea Dolter, Kathryn Dreifuerst, Emma Daisy Gertel, Carrie Gillen, Benjamin Gray, Rachel Hausmann Schall, Erik Holman, Jessica Hunt, Lisa Idarraga, Clare Jorgensen,, David Najib Kasir, David Katz, Maeve Jackson, Ryan Mahoney, Hannah Jo Malaczynski, Lisa Mathewson, Angela Minga, Allen Morris, Riley Niemack, Rosy Petri, Annelise Pollard, Anna Rodriguez, Kat Rodriguez, Bela Roongta, Leah Schretenthaler, Maria Spengel, Adam Stoner, Nic Umbs, Dave Watkins, Jenna Wilson, Maria Amalia Wood, Missy Ziebart